Ola Leslie Solicitors, specialising in residential and commercial conveyancing

When transferring the equity in a property, the person who will be remaining on the title (the Transferee) will need to have the person who is being removed (the Transferor) to sign the Transfer Deed.

The firm of solicitors who are acting for the Transferee will write to a Transferor asking them to obtain independent legal advice on the implications of signing a Transfer Deed and have their signature witnessed on it by the independent solicitor. Not only is it a matter of good solicitors’ practice to protect the interests of the Transferee, it is a requirement of all mortgage lenders that Transferors receive independent advice. If the Transferee’s solicitors send HMLR’s Form ID1 to you to have verified, we can also assist with this at the same time.


Please call us on 0207 183 0084 or email us on property@olaleslie.com for details on our fees and to book a mutually convenient appointment.



We are Residential & Commercial Conveyancing Specialists



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Ayesha Leslie, Partner
Ola Leslie Solicitors