We offer an efficient service with the specialist skills required to carry out commercial transactions.

Our team deal with Planning Authorities, Commercial Agents, Surveyors, Architects and Developers in a friendly professional manner.

We believe that communication is the key to transactions running smoothly.

We provide the following services:

    • The Grant of a New Lease
    • Lease Assignments
    • Business Sales/Purchases
    • Business Leases
    • Option Agreements
    • Live-Work Units
    • Overage Agreements
    • Site Acquisitions and Plot Sales
    • Commercial Developments
    • Easements
    • Acquisitions and Disposals of Land 


Please call us on 0207 183 0084 or email us on property@olaleslie.com for a fixed fee conveyancing quotation and to ask us about any reservations or queries that you may have; we are always happy to assist.


We are Commercial Conveyancing Specialists !

Ola Leslie Solicitors

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