Do you need a Personal License?
A personal licence is required by anyone who needs to authorise alcohol sales. Personal licences are valid for 10 years, unless surrendered, revoked or suspended, and are valid at UK premises that have a premises licence. A personal licence holder must have an accredited qualification from an organisation such as the British Institute of Innkeeping and undergo a Criminal Records Bureau check.
How to get a Personal License
Personal License Qualifications
In order to obtain a Personal Licence, you must attend a one day course and pass the BIIAB Level 2 Award for Personal Licence Holders. At the end of the course, there is an exam and if you are successful you will receive a certificate (it can take up to 3 weeks for this to arrive) . There are a number of course providers, just ask us if you need any guidance.
Personal Licence Application Form
Obtain a Personal Licence application form and Disclosure of Convictions & Declaration Form from the Licensing department of the local authority in which you reside. Although you will be unable to send off the application form at this stage as you will not yet have all the necessary attachments, it will save some time later in the process.
Criminal Records Bureau Checks
Once your certificate has been received, the next step is to complete an application form for a Standard Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) reference check. The application form can be obtained from Disclosure Scotland through their website on There will be small a fee for processing the CRB. Â Note that only CRB checks that are less than 28 days old will be accepted by the local authorities when applying for a Personal Licence. It can take a minimum of 14 days to receive the CRB reference.
Applying for your Personal Licence
When the CRB reference has been received, immediately complete and return the Personal Licence application form to the Licensing department of your local authority, along with the other required attachments.
Contact us if you need to obtain a personal license. The process is straightforward, but we can help you through the whole application process for a small fee and also with any related premises application and maximise your chances of securing a license.
Contact us on 0207 183 0084 or email
You can obtain a permission for temporary activities in connection with short-term alcohol and public entertainment licensing.These are known as Temporary Event Notiices (TENs)
TENs can be used to authorise relatively small-scale ad hoc events held in or on any premises involving no more than 499 people at any one time. They are an easy way to extend the provisions of a currnet premises license or to hold a one off or special event.
Applciations must be made no later than 10 working days before the day on which the event is to start so we must receive your instruction to act at least 12 days before the event. Click here to instruct us to deal with your TENs.
Things to note about TENS :
- you can give a maximum of five TENs per calendar year, except if you are a Personal licence holder in which case the amount is fifty TENs per calendar year
- each event covered by a TEN can last up to 96 hours
- no more than twelve TENs can be given in respect of any particular premises in any calendar yearThe maximum collective duration of the periods covered by TENs at any individual premises is 15 days in any year
- there must be a minimum of 24 hours between events
If you have any questions please call 0207 183 0084 or email
Laws regarding licensing can apply to a broad range of activities including (but not limited to):
- A performance of a Play
- An exhibition of a Film
- An indoor Sporting Event
- A Boxing or Wrestling Event (indoors or outdoors)
- A performance of live Music
- Any playing of recorded Music, unless incidental
- A performance of dance
Please contact us for advice on how to obtain appropriate Licenses for your Event. Dial 0207 183 0084 or
How do I obtain a licence to provide entertainment?
Unless temporary entertainment is being provided or the entertainment or location is exempt under the Licensing Act, it will be necessary to apply for a premises licence or club premises certificate from the relevant licensing authority.
In order to apply for a premises licence, or club premises certificate an application must be completed and be accompanied by, an operating schedule, a plan of the premises and, if the application is for a premises licence which includes authorisation for the supply of alcohol, a form of consent given by the individual whom the applicant wishes to have specified in the premises licence as the premises supervisor.   The applicant will be required to advertise his application and notify it to specified, expert bodies. There will also be a fee.