You can obtain a permission for temporary activities in connection with short-term alcohol and public entertainment licensing.These are known as Temporary Event Notiices (TENs)

TENs can be used to authorise relatively small-scale ad hoc events held in or on any premises involving no more than 499 people at any one time. They are an easy way to extend the provisions of a currnet premises license or to hold a one off or special event.
Applciations must be made no later than 10 working days before the day on which the event is to start so we must receive your instruction to act at least 12 days before the event. Click here to instruct us to deal with your TENs.
Things to note about TENS :

  • you can give a maximum of five TENs per calendar year, except if you are a Personal licence holder in which case the amount is fifty TENs per calendar year
  • each event covered by a TEN can last up to 96 hours
  • no more than twelve TENs can be given in respect of any particular premises in any calendar yearThe maximum collective duration of the periods covered by TENs at any individual premises is 15 days in any year
  • there must be a minimum of 24 hours between events

If you have any questions please call 0207 183 0084 or email