Since 1st October 2007, it is no longer possible to make an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPA). Any EPA validly created prior to 1st October 2007 however will still be valid.
The Enduring Power of Attorney has been replaced by a more comprehensive instrument known as a Lasting Power of Attorney, of which there are two types from which to choose:
The Property and Affairs LPA; or
The Health and Welfare LPA
The Property and Affairs LPA is limited to dealing with financial matters such as the payment of bills, the sale of property or investments to realise funds if necessary and re-investing in order to maximise assets.
The Health and Welfare LPA is designed to deal with matters such as ‘refusal of medical treatment’, and circumstances in which you wish to guide your Attorneys to make life and death decisions on your behalf, should it be the case that you are unable to. These powers can also extend to moving you into a Residential Care Home.
For further information on Lasting Powers of Attorney, please visit our page ”Lasting Power of Attorney”
Please call us on 0207 183 0084 or email us on for a fixed fee quotation and to ask us about any reservations or queries that you may have; we are always happy to assist.
We are Private Client Specialists
Ola Leslie Solicitors
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